Conseil D’Adminitration organise stratégiquement la façon dont le travail des comités est réalisé afin de fournir un service de haut niveau à la fois professionel et innovant.
Chief of Dept de chirurgie plastique reconstructrice et esthétique/MCUPH chez APHPPlastic & Reconstructive SurgeryHôpital Tenon, PARIS Cedex 20, France
FellowshipHand and microsurgeryCHUM Hopital Notre Dame, Hopital Sacré Coeur
Chief of DepartmentPlastic & Reconstructive SurgeryCentre Hospitalier René Dubos, PONTOISE Cedex, France
MDUniversité Paris Descartes
In France between Lille and Paris (Pr Lantiéri Team)
2015 – Morpho-elasticity of inflammatory fibrosis: the case of capsular contracture.Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal SocietyRead it here
2015 – Holographic laser Doppler imaging of pulsatile blood flow.Journal of biomedical opticsRead it here
2013 – New insights into lidocaine and adrenaline effects on human adipose stem cells.Aesthetic plastic surgeryRead it here
2013 – Phase-resolved heterodyne holographic vibrometry with a strobe local oscillator.Optics lettersRead it here
2012 – Skin tightening induced by fractional CO(2) laser treatment: quantified assessment of variations in mechanical properties of the skin.Journal of cosmetic dermatologyRead it here
2011 – Off-axis digital hologram reconstruction: some practical considerations.Applied opticsRead it here
2011 – Efficacy of infliximab for hidradenitis suppurativa: assessment of clinical and biological inflammatory markers.Acta dermato-venereologicaRead it here
2010 – Parallel heterodyne detection of dynamic light-scattering spectra from gold nanoparticles diffusing in viscous fluids.Optics lettersRead it here
2009 – Chondroitinase ABC and acute electrical stimulation are beneficial for muscle reinnervation after sciatic nerve transection in rats.Restorative neurology and neuroscienceRead it here
Since 2017
TrainerCampus Champs Elysées – Paris
1975 to 1993
Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeonBoucicaut Hospital, Paris
1975 to 1977
Head of clinicHospitals of Paris
1975 to 1977
Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeonSaint-Louis Hospital, Paris
1972 to 1975
Plastic and Reconstructive SurgeonAnatomy DepartmentUniversity Hospital Bicetre, Paris
1974 to 1975
Head of clinicMaxillofacial Surgery DepartmentHospitals of Paris
FellowshipDepartment of Plastic SurgeryParis
ExternPlastic Surgery DepartmentParis
University Degree in Aesthetic, Reconstructive and Plastic SurgeryUniversity of Paris
University degree of Medicine Paris
2015 – Perforation of viscera, a dramatic complication of liposuction: a review of 19 cases evaluated by experts in France between 2000 and 2012.Plastic and reconstructive surgeryRead it here
2012 – Hair Replacement Surgery: Textbook and AtlasSpringer With Pierre Bouhanna
2000 – Endoscopic deep periorbital lifting: study and results based on 50 consecutive casesSpringer With T Ktorza
1999 – LES TABOUS DU CORPS. La chirurgie au secours de l’esthétiqueGrancher Edition
1986 – Aesthetic Surgery of the Medial Thigh.Annals of plastic surgery With Vilain, Raymond
Nommé au concours des hôpitaux de Paris.
Faculté de médecine university of Paris.
Board certified in general surgery.
Board certified in Plastic reconstructive and aesthetic.
1981 – « Enlargement of the piriform aperture »: Annales Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique.
1990 – « Orbicular myorraphy for correction of bags and wrinkles of the lower eyelids » : Annales Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique.
1993 – « The subperiosteal lift »: Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
1994 – « Subperiosteal face lift or mask-lift « : Annales Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique.
1994 – « Cutaneous incision in facelift. Oblique cervicomalar SMAS flap and malar facelift »: Annales Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique.
2004 – « Face lifts complications »: Annales Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique.
2005 – « Approach to augmentation mammaplasty »: Annales Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique.
2005 – « Endoscopic axillary breast augmentation »: Annales Chirurgie Plastique et Esthétique.
2007 – « The vertical midface lift. An improved procedure »: Aesthetic Surgery of the Facial Mosaic. Springer Editor.
Former Intern of the Bordeaux Hospitals
Former Chief of Surgical Clinic
Hospitals Assistant
Attaché of the Department of Neurosurgery for cranial malformations
Neurosurgery, hospital Henri-Mondor, Creteil,
General surgery, Hopital Intercommunal de Creteil
Military service, Under civilian cooperation:
Surgeon in Tunisia
Bone surgery, Hopital Bichat
id Hopital Beaujon
id Hopital de Garches
Bone surgery, Hopital de Pontoise
Plastic surgery, Hopital Charles Foix, Ivry
Neurosurgery, Hopital Henri-Mondor, Creteil
bone surgery, Hopital Bichat
Clinic in plastic surgery, Hopital Rothschild, Paris
Assistant at the Jean-Rostand Hospital, Ivry
General and plastic surgery
First Private Client Exercise in 1979
Title Hospital-Academic obtained:
– Equivalence of the Paris hospitals day school
Assistant of the hospitals of Paris
(Competence awarded by the council of the College of Physicians and only recognized as valid)
Les responsables de comités sont essentiels au développement du programme.